Zeal College of Engineering & Research

Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK

This Global certification course is intended for T.E. and B.E. aspiring engineers who seek to explore the impact of MATLAB and SIMULINK in their project work. This course provides a personalized experience related with MATLAB programming and SIMULINK model to the students. This course covers basic concepts of MATLAB Programming, SIMULINK and its applications in various areas such as Power Electronics, Power Quality and Power System. Objective of the Course:

The Department of Electrical Engineering of ZES, ZCOER has organized a Certification course on “Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK”, from 25th July 2022 to 10th August 2022 for T.E and B.E. aspirant graduates.

Mr. Chinmay Deshpande introduced MATLAB programming, explained basics of

programming, variables, arrays, MATLAB built in functions, input output commands, plot Certification Course on “Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK” instructions, conditional statements, loops etc. Mr. Chaitanya Deshpande explained simulation techniques for various applications in power system, power quality and power electronics.