Zeal College of Engineering & Research

Industrial Visit at PARC Robotics Pvt. Ltd. Pune

As per the curriculum of SavitribaiPhule Pune University, it is necessary that student should visit industries/ research institute/ exhibition to get the practical knowledge and ongoing activities in the field of Robotics and Automation Engineering world. On the same note department of Robotics and Automation Engineering Department had organized industrial visit at PARC Robotics System Pvt. Ltd., and iTech Robotics & Automation Pvt. Ltd., Chakan, Pune on 4 th May, 2022 to give exposure to students about operations of Robots and Automation Engineering.

Total 64 students and 5 faculties visited PARC Robotics System Pvt. Ltd., and iTech Robotics & Automation Pvt. Ltd., Chakan, Pune in two batches at a time and after visiting one industry the batches were swapped. During the visit students and faculties interacted with various work stations in the industries where Robots were operating. Instructors from the industry explained working and operations in automation. Students performed hands on sessions on the different work stations.