Center of Excellence in Electric Vehicle

Zeal TVC

E-Mobility across globe although the global share of electric mobility is still small, the EV fleet is expanding quickly. Ambitious policy announcements have been critical in stimulating the electric mobility transition in major vehicle markets in the past two to three years. 2018 was marked by continuous policy and technology announcements in many countries and regions, and global electric car sales accelerated with regards to previous years.

E-Mobility in India In 2013, India unveiled the ‘National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020’ to make a major shift to electric vehicles and to address the issues of national energy security, vehicular pollution and growth of domestic manufacturing capabilities. The scheme was announced with an aim to offer incentives for clean-fuel technology cars to boost their sales to up to 7 million vehicles by 2020.

“ZEAL ELECTRIC MOILITY (ZEM) LAB” is carefully designed to produce skilled and talented manpower required for the Electric Vehicle (EV) industries. The ZEM Lab has been established to support a wide array of EV integration and technology services. The Electric Vehicle Lab (EV Lab) has been established to support a wide array of EV integration and technology services. The lab is specialized within two core areas:

  1. Electric vehicle power system integration: Covers the electric connection between an electric vehicle and the electrical network to which it connects. This includes smart grid, interoperability and power measurement studies.
  2. Electric vehicle enabling technology: Covers the electric components and technologies important to the operation, performance and cost of the electric vehicle. This includes R&D and equipment testing.

Features of Center of Excellence in Electric Vehicle