Zeal Education Society's


An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
ISO:21001:2018 (EoMS) Certified Institute | Accredited with 'A+' Grade by NAAC

Alumni Feedback

Zeal TVC

Dear Alumni,

We at ZCOER, Pune always strive hard to impart value added technological education through pursuit of academic excellence, research and entrepreneurial attitude. In this regard, an opinion of alumni plays a vital role in evaluating attainment of our objectives and to plan for further improvement. Please spare valuable time to furnish your honest opinion by answering below questionnaire along with the necessary information required.

      Strongly Reasonably Moderately Somehow Not at all
    Do you agree that fundamental engineering knowledge gained while at ZCOER has helped you to become successful in your career/ profession?
    Do you agree that education at ZCOER has cultivated consideration for ethical practices, concern for society and sensitivity for environment?
    In your opinion, how do you rate the undergraduate/post graduate preparation at ZCOER?
    Will you recommend your relative/friends to enroll at ZCOER?
    Do you have any suggestion regarding curriculum?
    According to you, what are the technical contents that would augment existing curriculum?
    Please let’s know in what way you would like to associate with the institute / department
    Any Other (Please Mention)