Zeal Education Society's


An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
ISO:21001:2018 (EoMS) Certified Institute | Accredited with 'A+' Grade by NAAC

ZEAL Cyborg Club

Zeal TVC

When Dreams Comes True...

A truly innovative idea that germinated from the brilliant minds of our students is the “Zeal Cyborg Club” which was recently established at the Zeal Education Society’s Narhe Campus. These students have also won IIT Bombay’s Tech fest on two occasions. This event brought to life the Mission of our College which is “Transferring dreams into reality by developing an individual’s potentials through spread of knowledge and wisdom in an intelligent environment” and made us proud. We take the importance of a strong guiding force earnestly and provide every possible expert help to the students to enable them to come up with their own robot. Whatever the Club is today wouldn’t have been possible if not for the help and constant support of our Hon. Secretary, Shri. J. S. Katkar  has always stood by us like a rock and supported all our initiatives.

At present, the Club is equipped to make 100 robots of different kinds which can perform various tasks like line follower, multi-weapon war robot, task robot and robot snookers among many others. All the necessary equipment and pneumatic material is made available for use to make the robots. We plan to undertake research projects in the area of robotics under the able guidance of our highly qualified Faculty members and are in the process of signing an MoU with a top MNC with expertise in the field. This MoU has been undertaken with a futuristic vision wherein we seek to give the future members of the Zeal Cyborg Club an opportunity and the benefit of working on industrial-level projects. We have two spacious laboratories: Hardware Workshop and Electronics Circuit Designing Lab with the latest software installed in the computers to facilitate the smooth functioning of such projects. Zeal Cyborg Club aims to earn a name as a foremost research lab and be among the best in Western India. We have a strong support system in the form of Principal Dr. A. N. Gaikwad and Head of E&TC Dept. Dr. G. M. Malwatkar.

Mr. Suresh Dattu
(Zeal Cyborg Club Authority)

ZEAL Activities Done

Sr. No. Team Name College Name Event Name Rank
1 Cyborg Slayers MIT COE TEXEPHYR-Robo-War Winner
2 Cyborg Slayers UNIVERSAL COE UNITECHFEST-Robo-War Winner
3 Cyborg Slayers PVPIT COE ACCLIVITY- Robo-Soccer Winner
4 Cyborg Slayers VIT COE MELLANGE-Robo-War Runner Up
5 Cyborg Slayers PVPIT COE ACCLIVITY-Robo-War Runner Up
6 Cyborg Slayers MODERN COE MECH-E-THRON -Robo-War Runner Up
7 Cyborg Slayers VIIT COE GANDHARVA-Robo-War Runner Up
8 ENIGMA IIT Bombay IRC Winner
9 ENIGMA IIT Bombay Magneto Winner
10 ENIGMA VJTI Bombay VRS Aesthetic Robot
11 ENIGMA SCOE Sociobots Winner
12 ENIGMA GGSCOE Armeggedon Best Design
13 SCORPION VIIT Robowar Winner
14 SCORPION MIT Robowar Winner
15 SCORPION JSPM Robosoccer Winner
16 SCORPION MODERN Robowar Winner
17 SCORPION COEP Robowar Winner
18 SCORPION CUMMINS Robowar Winner
19 SCORPION BVCOEW Robowar Winner
20 SCORPION SIT Robowar Winner
21 SCORPION PVPIT Robowar Winner
22 SCORPION MIT Robosoccer Winner
23 ELECTROPISTON VIT Roborace Winner
24 ELECTROPISTON VIT Roborace Runner Up
25 ELECTROPISTON KJ’s Trinity Roborace Runner Up
28 DSP VIIT Robowar Runner Up

Recent Activities

Core Team ZEAL Cybrog Club

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact Number
1 Krushna Biradar President 9764562825
2 Nikhil Bhairat Vice – President 9139281801
3 Dnyaneshwar Haval Secretory 7350365704
4  Shrikant Bhintade Account 8605069372
5 Bhagyashree Dhumal Account 7709370782
6 Swapnil Ingulkar Account 8888558393
7 Abhijeet Mahadik Technical 7875948552
8 Pranali Kanitkar Technical 7841900467
9 Sneha Mane Event 8237217376
10 Pankaj Khutwad Resource 8983000016
11 Warad Gadre Resource 8605584910
12 Prathamesh Joshi Think Center 7276121310
13 Priyanka Khadke Think Center 8698738507
14 Shivani Pawar Think Center 9665622810
15 Chetan Rathi Think Center 7709579769
16 Vaibhav Khopade Design 8605526501
17 Tushar  Ranalkar Design 7276383746
18 Akshay Ghejji Program 7768886063
19 Mahendra Shoor Program 82377795554
20 Aakansha Supekar Website 9028476828
21 Pooja Aher Website 81149085232
22 Suyog Khupse Website 7758070731