Activity 1:
The meeting has been started with Welcome speech by Dr. A. R. Soman HoD Electrical Engineering. She discussed following points during parent meet:
1. College & Departmental activities for Academics, Training & Placement
2. Internship for T.E. students in different Electrical Companies
3. NBA committee visit
The points related to Academic were discussed by Prof. Chinmay D. Deshpande (Academic Coordinator)
1. Discussion of Students attendance
2. Discussion of Vision & Mission of College & Department
3. PEO & PSO were discussed by Academic Coordinator
4. Syllabus completion status
5. Lectures planning and time table for syllabus completion
6. Student / Faculty feedback system
7. IN/END Semester SPPU Examination Structure
The points related to T&P were discussed by Prof. Rohit M. Narkar (Academic Coordinator)
1. Discussion of activities by T&P cell
2. Discussion of campus placement
3. Discussion of list of campus placement students with company names
Activity 2:
SE/TE/BE Parent Meet:
Parents Meet was scheduled on 15/02/2025 at 10.00AM – 12.00PM in Offline mode. Total 21 parents were attended the meeting. Few parents have discussed points related to SPPU theory, OR/PR examination scheme, T.E. Internship, T&P cell activities. HoD, Academic Coordinator, Department Examination Coordinator and senior faculty members explained all above points to parents. The vote of thanks was given by Prof. B. G. Sherkhane.