The Department was set up in 2009.The department has grown steadily keeping pace with the development in the industry and need for all-rounders in management sphere. The students are groomed to meet the challenges of the dynamic business world.
The Institute believes in comprehensive student development in various fields for a healthy personality to serve the nation in their individual field of choice. Faculty members are engaged in many research projects. ZCOER- MBA is determined to provide all possible opportunities to meet the expectations of young ambitious students. The department is also currently expanding its activities to provide maximum employment opportunities.
ZCOER MBA has highly qualified faculties who provide continuous inputs for grooming the students to make them Industry Ready. Innovative methods of teaching and updated inputs for the students are the hallmark of the teaching methods. Workshops are conducted by leading experts and Industry professionals. Regular Guest Lectures provide Industrial exposure and emphasis on role- plays & management games to enhance the caliber of students. Devoted faculty members are the real strength of the department. Most of the faculties are pursuing their Ph. D from various universities. Staff members have published technical papers in various national and international conferences/ journals and also attended workshops to improve their technical expertise and impart advanced quality, result driven education to management students.