Graphology- Handwriting analysis and Personality Development

Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) is an amazing science which helps Students to understand and learn about self as well as others in a better way. By learning graphology one can become aware about own personality, real thinking pattern, behavior, capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, relations (personal/professional) and much more through the hand writing. Graphology & Grapho-therapy can help a person in educational, personal and professional life. Apart from that it helps to improve concentration, goal orientation planning and organization, relationships, behavior, health & wealth also develops positive thoughts and overcome on various types of fears.

The workshop was initiated by welcoming to the speaker done by Prof. Anuradha Yenkikar Felicitation of the guest Mr. Sandip S Arsude.

Sandip S. Arsude has done his Master’s in Business Administration from MIT School of Management, Pune. He has also alumni of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management and completed Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Communication Management. But his passion drives him to new horizons of – Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) a completely different field.

Prof. Sunil S. Sangve, HOD of Computer Engineering Department gave the objectives of workshop and also delivered the importance of Handwriting Analysis (Graphology). Prof. Rahul More represented vote of thanks for guests and participants of workshop.

Key Features of Workshop:
Grapho-Therapy is a therapy given to a person to change his handwriting/signature
to minimize/remove impact of negative trait of his/her handwriting. This therapy involves analysis of a person’s handwriting, identification of the negative traits in handwriting and provides the correct formation of alphabets in handwriting. Similarly corrective formations in signatures are also suggested based on handwriting therapy requirements.
Grapho – Therapy is not counseling”. Few people confuse counseling Therapy with counseling done using Graphology. Counseling is the advice given based on the Graphological analysis of person’s behavior, strengths and weakness, etc. whereas Therapy is provided to put correct handwriting formations in practice

  • What is Graphology(Handwriting Analysis)
  • Handwriting is Brain writing
  • Change your handwriting change your personality
  • How can Graphology benefits you
  • Knowing people around you
  • Child development
  • Health
  • Life Partner Selection
  • Business Partner Selection
Around 150 students and 30 faculties were benefited and have attended this workshop. We are very thankful of Mr. Sandip S. Arsude & his team for addressing the audience and delivering contents in this workshop. We are also thankful of our Management, Principal, HOD, all teaching & non-teaching staff and students of computer department for all the help they extended for the successfully organizing this workshop.